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4 Week Slim Down

The pandemic hit me hard. Not just my mental health, but my waistline too. I really wanted to slim down a bit so I tried a handful of different diets and workout routines over the past months, but nothing was working and if anything did work, nothing stuck. I finally said screw it and came up with my own plan, and in those four weeks I lost 8 pounds. I personally work best when I have every little thing planned out for me, and all my decisions of what to eat and how to workout were made ahead of time. With the over-indulging I've enjoyed over the holidays, I'll be jumping back into this program in January to get back on track and feel a little healthier.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional, nutritionist, or personal trainer. I know my own body and know my own limits. I'm simply sharing what worked for me. If partaking in this diet and you need more food, by all means, eat more food. If you need to take more days off, do so. I also suggest consulting a medical professional before making any drastic changes to your eating habits or workout routine. Everyone's body and needs are different. Do what works the best for you.

My biggest goal with creating this program was to create healthy habits. After getting back from deployment, I rarely worked out over the summer. I felt lazy and unmotivated most days and too often opted for the convenience of drive through or take out for dinner. I found myself sitting in front of the TV and eating an entire package of Hawaiian rolls in one sitting. Not to mention all the sweets I baked this year after 7 months of not having an oven didn't help my cause at all. Meanwhile, Cole was going to the gym 3-4 days a week, getting swole and looking amazing (per usual), so that was doing nothing for my self esteem. I wanted to get into a managable workout routine and create some healthier dishes from my kitchen. Whether you plan to do parts of this plan, follow it to a T, or opt to do something else, I wish you the best of luck with your health goals!

The Diet...

The average woman burns about 1600-2400 calories in a regular day without working out (2000-3000 for men). I wanted to keep my calorie intake between 1400-1600 calories every day on this program so I could get to a point where I was burning more calories than I was eating to encourage my body to go after my fat reserves. I'm used to not eating much during the day, and then having a large dinner, so I still stuck with that idea. I will admit, that first week was I was hungry. I was never weak to the point I couldn't function, so I knew it was just a matter of withdrawal from not eating overly processed foods and a ton of carbs. BUT I saw results in the first week by losing 3 pounds. Also, by the end of the first week I had a lot more energy and motivation!

Every Monday was chicken and salad day. Every Thursday was a soup day. And every Saturday was a cheat day where I could eat whatever I wanted. I didn't eat a lunch, but instead had a snack around 1 pm every day to hold me over until dinner. I also did my best to drink a full gallon of water every day. Cole got me a pretty sweet water bottle that I lug around with me that makes it easier to get that full gallon down. Whenever I was craving food between meals and snacks, I would sip on some of the water and that would help immensely.

Cole and I always eat our dinners together, so the evening meals were made for 2 people. If you're eating without another person, you may need to cut some of the recipes in half because otherwise you'll have a lot of leftovers. Luckily, Cole ate any leftovers for lunch the next day and I heard no complaints.

I've included all the resources below for this diet. First is the menu that I printed out and kept on my refrigerator to keep me honest. Second is the grocery list for the entire program. I split the list up by week, and I usually went grocery shopping Saturday mornings. Make sure you look at the list before you head out because I guarantee you'll have some of the items already in your pantry. Finally, I included the links for all the meals you'll make. About half are recipes from my blog, and the other half are great recipes I've found from other bloggers who hit it out of the park.

Menu Links (Alphabetical):

The Workout...

OK, with this program, the main thing is to workout every day for at least 45 minutes. There are no cheat days for the workout side of the plan, but as always, if you need a rest day, then take it! I always tried to get a good sweat going and I alternated between cardio and strength exercises. If you're a runner, then go run. If you Crossfit, swim, bike, do yoga, then do what you're comfortable with! I don't like workout with or around others, so my workout schedule revolved around things I could do in my living room. I found an AWESOME fitness influencer on YouTube, GrowWithJo, who I did all my cardio with - she's fun and positive and keeps you guessing with every video. I linked each video below with my workout schedule. On the days I didn't do her workouts, did 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats and planks. On Sundays, I went for a long walk with the dog or ran 2 miles. Get that 45 minutes in, get a sweat going, and get a habit started!

Workout Schedule

Week 1...

Day 1: Walk (4 mile) or Run (2 miles)

Day 3: 25 Push Ups + 25 Sit Ups + 25 Squats + 1 minute plank (Repeat 4x)

Day 5: 25 Push Ups + 25 Sit Ups + 25 Squats + 1 minute plank (Repeat 4x)

Week 2...

Day 8: Walk (3 mile) or Run (1.5 mile)

Day 10: 25 Push Ups + 25 Sit Ups + 25 Squats + 1 minute plank (Repeat 4x)

Day 12: 25 Push Ups + 25 Sit Ups + 25 Squats + 1 minute plank (Repeat 4x)

Week 3...

Day 15: Walk (3 mile) or Run (1.5 mile)

Day 17:25 Push Ups + 25 Sit Ups + 25 Squats + 1 minute plank (Repeat 4x)

Day 19: 25 Push Ups + 25 Sit Ups + 25 Squats + 1 minute plank (Repeat 4x)

Week 4:

Day 22: Walk (3 mile) or Run (1.5 mile)

Day 24: 25 Push Ups + 25 Sit Ups + 25 Squats + 1 minute plank (Repeat 4x)

Day 26: 25 Push Ups + 25 Sit Ups + 25 Squats + 1 minute plank (Repeat 4x)


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